I’ve heard folks say that the family that skis together stays together. For as long as I can remember we have been a family that skis together. Growing up in fruitvale BC, there was never a shortage of outdoor activities. From hiking to biking to swimming and camping there was always much to do and see. But in my mind then, and now, nothing compared to skiing at Red.
My Dad is a long time member and regular and started my brother and I on skis almost as soon as we could walk. It was brilliant. I remember looking back on the sea of clouds as the chairlift peaked through the fog and we rose into the sun thinking this was the most beautiful place on earth. There were days the powder was waist high and you could almost touch your skis to the snow while still on the lift.
The year was 1986 and I was 5 years old. The old golden granite chair was operating in full force and we headed up for a typical Saturday of hitting the slopes. It was a two person chairlift, but since I was still quite small we turned it into a three person and I was sitting on my dads knee. We made it about 3/4 of the way up and stopped suddenly over the bowl, where the largest gap between towers existed. The chair bounced and finally came to a halt. I remember looking down and hoping that we would not be sitting there for too long. Well, that was not the case and after what felt like hours we realized we needed to be evacuated. My dad had told me stories of evacuation and ski patrols coming down the cable to help get people of safely but it all sounded suspect to me. I thought to myself, certainly this warranted a hot chocolate when it was done and over. We chatted and shared stories with the man riding with us and finally it was our turn to descend. We were the second to last chair left to be evacuated so the cable was so light. Without all the weight from the people we seemed to be flying extra high. I was terrified. The ski patrol came down the cable to reach us as my dad promised and hooked me up to a tee-bar and tied me on. He was slowly trying to lower me down using a rope but I was too light. I was twirling around in the air like a weightless ballerina. With the help of my dad, and the other gentleman on the chair with us, the three of them weighted the rope and lowered me down to safety. I can’t recall how high the old lift over the bowl is but it was high enough that I decided I didn’t want to ever do that again. My hot chocolate that day never tasted so good!
I have so many stories and adventures stored away in my mind from Red. They are honestly some of my happiest memories in life.
Now I am older, have moved away and have a beautiful family of my own. I miss Red dearly and feel so blessed to have grown up with access to such a magical place. Every year my brother, Dad and I meet up for a trip home to Red. It is always the highlight of the season! Our little skiing family has grown to include spouses and now my beautiful fearless daughter. It was so important for me to have Red be the first place she was introduced to skiing. We made that happen 3 years ago and have been bringing her back every year since. A new generation of Lowe/Slobodian’s will be blessed to ski at the best hill in the world!! Okay, so I haven’t skied every hill worldwide, but I don’t need to to realize that Red is just plain magic.
Thank you for making my childhood so incredible and giving me with a life long supply of amazing memories!!
I will see you soon, you beautiful beast of a mountain.
Marnie (Lowe) Slobodian

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