These days we all (Unless we’re retired) rush too work and check our emails to start our day. During the day we answer emails, texts and phone calls. In fact, its likely that we are working outside of work because the cell phone is in our pocket and people can reach us at any time. Ever get this text?, “sorry too bother you but can you give me a call?”. Personal time has been replaced with 24 hour access. My father just laughs because he doesn’t have a PDA. He says people golf less because they work too much. He also says that people don’t take enough time for themselves and golf is not the only thing they have slowed down doing. I checked it out. In fact in 2014 Golf was up slightly and really over the last several years the number of new players are replacing players who have retired from the sport. So not net loss but no real gain.
At Redstone we want to change that. We created the twilight membership for working people that want to golf but need to work. It’s just $699 and the only restriction is you must golf at 2pm or later. This is a great intro to golfing at Redstone.
See you at Redstone